A picture a day for a year…

Why & Who Else

This blog is to document my engagement in the 366photo project. I have set a goal to take a photo each day during 2012. Some people have set up themes or topics for their 366 project, I have not I will just snap away and decide on the day which to use. Lets see if any themes unfold, I am sure some will….

This was sparked by discussions on twitter with a group of OT’s, others I know who are taking part in this project are (not all OT’s):

@kirstyes – http://kirstyes.tumblr.com/

@clissa89 – http://clissa89.tumblr.com/

@mmolineux – http://366for2012.posterous.com

@easduncan – http://easduncan.tumblr.com/

@bec_waters – http://becwaters.wordpress.com/

@JaySawdy – http://jays366photochallenge.wordpress.com

@catrad – http://my365.in/Catrad/p/1180121

@VirtualO T- http://www.iphoneproject365.com/photos/VirtualOT

@munchknmunch – http://munchknmunch.tumblr.com/

@gilliancrossley – http://gilliancrossley366photochallenge2012.wordpress.com/

@JackieKirkham – http://www.blipfoto.com/NellyO

@BusyOT – http://busyot.tumblr.com/

If you or someone else you know are taking part let me know I am keen to follow others engaging in this project.


Comments on: "Why & Who Else" (4)

  1. Anita Hamilton said:

    I am also participating 🙂
    I haven’t decided where to share it yet. Not sure if I will.
    Cheers, Anita.

    • Thanks Anita, let us know where you are sharing if you decide to.
      But even if not sharing let us know how you are getting on.
      Good luck and enjoy.

  2. I’m also doing it and also not sure yet if it’s a my eyes only thing or not. Thanks to all who suggested it. I think I can manage with taking photos from my iPhone and the Photo365 app, along with OhLife prompts.

    • Yes I think both ideas are great I am also doing the Oh Life… if you do decide to share please let us know where your pictures are living and I will add to the list. Either way, enjoy and let us know how you are getting on.

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